this is TYLER16.ZIP 12/16/95 this program will duplicate the kind of image that was on the cover of Wired a couple of months ago. given an input image and a library of "tiles" made from other images, it will create an image that is a mosaic (of sorts) of your input image - made from the tiles. it contains a Win16 executable, which might run under win 95, or NT, or Win32; i've never tried. it's simple to use (i think) : 1: gather a bunch of images in a directory : these will become your "library". 2: use Tyler's Create Library function to name, choose a tile size for, choose a directory for and create your library. you can use the file picker to select specific files from the current input directory. 3: find a source image. use Tyler's Create Tiled Image function to select your source image, name your output image, choose the library you'll be using, choose color-correction/grey scaling/aspect ratio maintenance, let it fly. currently, Tyler will input GIF and 24-bit BMP files. it will output 24-bit BMPs and grey scale GIFs. soon, it will handle PDC and JPG images, though i may make that version shareware. this one's free. the output files are only limited in size by the amount of memory Windows has access to. I've created 14,000,000 byte files with this, without a problem. GIF files compress down to 1/10 the raw size - but are currently limited to grey scale - because i haven't found a workable color quantization method. a good tile size is 20... this will keep the output files relatively small while still showing the major details in the individual tiles. give it a whirl, let me know how it works for you. if you find any bugs that you can definitely reproduce, let me know.